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The Force

The Force
  • Fotograf:
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  • Beliichtungszäit:
    1/180 sec
  • Blend:
  • Brennwäit:
    16 mm
  • ISO:
  • Blëtz:
    No Flash
  • Beliichtung:
    0 EV
  • Gréisst:
  • Späicherplaz:
    908 KB
  • Originaldatum:
    2016:08:28 14:58:22
  • Fotoapparat:
  • Programm:
  • Objektiv:
    16-55 f2.8
Kategorie: Mënschen & Emotiounen »» Männer / Jongen  

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Kommentar vum Fotograf:
Young disciple Vader vs rebel Warpman.
Warpman is an alien, brought to Earth and trapped here by accident. He must use his innate abilities to battle the forces of darkness, while trying to find his way home! He took the appearance of a soldier on earth.
His powers give him the ability to create portals, opening doorways in reality to any location that he can clearly visualise.
Now, he protects the earth from the Dark side, while also battling the evil plans of Luna Mask (https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154461492508686&id=773953685&set=a.10150474253383686.387869.773953685&source=48) Lady of the Night, captured later by Atomic Punch (https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154430064543686&id=773953685&set=a.10154329794593686.1073741826.773953685&source=48)
Here, he is struggling against a young Vader but will escape to later join the team of Atomic Punch in a secret mission to trap Luna mask.
ornitho 19.09.2016 - 21:11
Ahhhhhh den effekt heuste gud hin krut wou Petsoun schwebt !
Am ganzen groussen, cool Foto Vito !
Gophoto 19.09.2016 - 21:16
Nice one padrino!
Zora 19.09.2016 - 21:27
Möge der Saft mit dir sein (Spaceballs) closed_eye, erem gut emgesaat
Pit 19.09.2016 - 21:32
Top, dat gefällt mir. Ass den Vader grad opgestan, huet seng Schlappen vergiess un ze doen smile
Hobbyknipser 20.09.2016 - 10:20
misst d'Liichtschwert net eng hell (resp. souguer roud) Plaatz um Buedem machen - anstatt dém Schied? closed_eye
m-otiv 20.09.2016 - 11:11
Fir ganz wait am detail ze goen, misst all highlight vun der Foto een orangen toun hunn.... daat hätt Ech net hikritt ouni dass et fake ausgesait ... ausser Ech hätt e richtegen Laserschwert gehaat closed_eye ...
Hobbyknipser 20.09.2016 - 15:04
wéi???? ... daat war lo keen richtegt Laserschwert?? closed_eye smile

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